La Salette Catholic Primary School

Loved by Jesus and Our Lady Of La Salette,
we learn and grow together, in joy and friendship

Prevent Duty


All schools are required to adhere to the Prevent Duty which sets out responsibilities of all school staff to report concerns about the possibility of radicalisation of pupils. This also includes instances of radical or extreme views being aired by any member of the school community.  This includes extreme 'far right' views.


There are many issues that we are faced with today, and ways that we can help our children and young people to understand the events that they are hearing about in world news.


In line with our teaching of Gospel Values and British Values our mission is to break down prejudices and pre-conceptions that children may be hearing, and foster a culture of tolerance and respect for all in our multi-cultural society.  Our children are the future and we all pray for a future where all can live in peace with one another.

 Please follow this link for more information: