The purpose of our uniform policy is that all parents are aware of the dress-code and expected presentation of children for La Salette and that all children will wear our agreed uniform each day. This encourages a good standard of clean and tidy dress in school and is practical, maintainable and good value for money. Guidance on hair styles ensures we are health and safety compliant and that all children feel equal to each other.
Click here: Uniform Price List and Order Form
Click here: La Salette Uniform and Appearance Policy
Winter Uniform
White shirt worn with School tie.
Grey school trousers (not combat style) with grey socks.
Grey skirt or pinafore with black, dark green or grey tights or white socks
Green school jumper or cardigan
Black school shoes (No boots or trainer style shoes to be worn, no open sandals or shoes with a high heel).
Bottle green, white or black hair ribbons (no large bows or excessive hair decorations).
Beads should be kept to a minimum and in bottle green, white or black.
Bottle green logoed winter hat (available from the school office).
Black, navy or bottle green school coat
Summer Uniform
School logoed polo shirt or plain white polo shirt
Grey school trousers or shorts ( shorts are optional and must not be combat style).
Grey skirt /pinafore/ bottle green gingham dress (No green stripes or skirt-shorts)
Grey socks (with trousers or shorts) or white socks (with dresses)
Green school jumper or cardigan
Black school shoes. (No boots or trainer style shoes to be worn, no open sandals or shoes with a high heel. Please note that shoes that slip off easily are not suitable).
School sunhat or school cap (available from the school office).
Black, navy or bottle green school coat.
PE Uniform
- Bottle green jogging-bottoms.
- Bottle green shorts.
- School P.E sweatshirt with logo.
- Yellow P.E t-shirt with school logo.
- Sports trainers and plimsolls.
- Summer P.E Kit: Bottle green shorts, yellow P.E t-shirt with school logo, trainers and plimsolls.
- Winter P.E Kit: Bottle green jogging-bottoms, school P.E sweatshirt with logo, yellow P.E t-shirt with school logo, trainers and plimsolls.
P.E Bags
- The school drawstring bag in which P.E. kit is stored is available from the school office.
- No jewellery or earrings are permitted in school.
- Jewellery is considered to be any form of adornment to the body, which is not clothing. This includes all kinds of earrings (studs and “sticks”) and bangles and is not permitted in school. Children will not wear any form of jewellery to school, in order to maintain their health and safety and equal appearance as part of the uniform policy.
- Long hair must be tied back and extreme hairstyles are not deemed suitable for school. Please note that this includes: hair sculptures; such as lines, shapes, highlights, dyed or bleached, or coloured hair extensions that do not match the child’s natural hair colour.
- Bottle green, white or black hair ribbons (no large bows or excessive hair decorations).
- Beads should be kept to a minimum and in bottle green, white or black.
Outdoor Coats
Black, navy or bottle green school coat. The coat should be suitable for cold or wet weather; preferably with a hood.
- Boys: Black school shoes (No boots or trainer style shoes to be worn).
- Girls: Black school shoes (No boots or trainer style shoes to be worn, no open sandals or shoes with a high heel. Please note that shoes that slip off easily are not suitable).
- Reception children: Will also require wellington boots for outdoor play with water.
Winter Uniform
Summer Uniform
School P.E Kit