Our Faith in Action
Our R.E Leaders and School Council meet at the start of every academic year and plan out our charity programme:
This year we have chosen the following charities;
- The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
- Save The Children
- Rainham Food Bank
- MacMillan Cancer Support
- Mary's Meals
- Diabetes UK
Charity does not necessarily need to be physical. The act of praying for someone or a group is an act of charity. Prayer forms an important part of advocacy and charity in our school.
Wednesday Word
Our R.E Leaders in KS1 and KS2 lead class collective worship through the Wednesday Word each week. The headteacher ( R.E leader) provides a PowerPoint for reflection and the R.E monitors lead their classmates in worship on the message from the weeks Gospel.
A simple Wednesday Word is provided for our children in Reception to base their learning on - this allows them to access the message of the Gospel in a way that is meaningful to them.
A Wednesday Word winner is chosen in Friday Celebration Assembly to maintain the importance of our gospel reflection.
Rosary Club
Each week our KS2 children are invited to take part in a decade of the rosary. It is a time to be still, calm and prayerful and reflect on our faith and take time out of our busy week to pray.
Community Projects
La Salette is a contributor to the local Rainham Food Bank. We have a very successful Harvest Festival charity event, where all members of our school community donate goods to hep those in need.
Our school community take part in RAVE (Rainham Association for Village Events) every year. We provide our choir to perform hymn singing and Christmas carols at Rainham Village Church to celebrate which our wider Christian community.
Laudato Si
Through his encyclical, Laudato Sí , Pope Francis gives us practical advice on how to tackle these world problems. He starts by asking each one of us, “What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children growing up?”
As Catholics this is a time to pray and act, a time to renew our commitment to live in right relationship with God, creation and each other. Care of our Common Home is the call of Laudato Si` to each of us, to consider how we can become stewards of creation, for positive action and renewal.
Our R.E leaders and Eco-School Council have a planned program of events to engage all our community in playing our part in caring for for our common home.
Oscar Romero Award
The Oscar Romero Award supports schools in realising and living the unique calling of a Catholic school to become an evangelising centre by empowering pupils to be the change they want to see in the world by putting their faith into practical action. We are currently working toward the Participator Accreditation.