La Salette Church Re-Opening12 June 2020 (by Mr Wilson) |
La Salette church re-opened for a private prayer only
Following the recent guidelines given by the Government and Bp Alan churches will re-open on Monday 15th June for private prayer only. Our Lady of La Salette will be opened during the following times:
Monday to Saturday 8.00am-10.00am and 7.00pm-8.00pm
Sunday 9.00am-12.00pm and 7.00pm-8.00pm.
We are gradually returning to our worship place in a time when coronavirus is still a threat. As we get adjusted to this “new normal” we all should be extra prudent and prepared in observing all necessary precautions to avoid contracting the virus while participating in a large public gathering. The aisles and pews are marked to facilitate the observance of social distancing practices. Seating is on a first come first served basis. Not all pews of the church are open for seating, every other pew is blocked off.
Public Mass
We are hoping to resume public masses from Saturday 4th July, there will be a further update on our website in coming days. Please read important instructions below:
Everyone is asked to do the following:
- Sanitize your hands as soon as you enter the church
- Most sanitisers contain alcohol which can ignite when exposed to an ignition source. Allow a full minute to pass after sanitising hands before wiping the hands with a disposable tissue before lighting candles.
- Please occupy the front pews first; refrain from singing throughout the liturgy.
- As you prepare to exit the church please exit starting with the rows that are closest to the entrances.
- Mass/ Hymn books will not be available for use during Mass.
- No altar servers will be needed since gifts will be kept at the altar area. The lectors will be seated at their designated seats prior to the Mass. There will not be a procession with the gifts and offertory collection.
- The sign of peace will be shared without physical contact.
- The collection baskets will be kept at the entrance of the church rather than passed during the Mass. Thank you for your generous financial support.
Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available from 4th July on Saturdays from 8.30am-9.00am and 5.30pm-6.00pm. Following a strict hygiene and observance of social distancing it will be offered in the reconciliation room as normal. All parish activities remain suspended at this time until further notice.
Thank you for your co-operation with the above!
Father Mariusz and Father Kris