La Salette Catholic Primary School

Loved by Jesus and Our Lady Of La Salette,
we learn and grow together, in joy and friendship

  1. News
  2. Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

5 November 2021 (by Mr Wilson)

Every year the School Council help raise funds for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. The Royal British Legion are a charity that help to look after members of the armed forces and their work is incredibly important. All of next week, at break times, Year 5 and 6 School Councillors will be selling poppies and all the money raised will go to the charity.

We will be selling:

Poppies 20 p

Zip School Bag tags 50p

Poppy reflectors for school bags 50p

Wristbands £1

Snap Bands £1.50