La Salette Catholic Primary School

Loved by Jesus and Our Lady Of La Salette,
we learn and grow together, in joy and friendship

La Salette Parents and Friends Association (P.F.A)


La Salette P.F.A's main aim is to develop our school community and provide financial support for our children's education.

Events and functions are held during the year for parents and children and are a great way for members of our school and parish community to meet and support our school. All parents are automatically members of the association and there is no joining fee or annual subscription.  The association can only function effectively with the full support of parents and we encourage everyone to come along to the events that are organised and to get involved as much as possible!

Regular newsletters are sent home to advertise upcoming events. The current members of the school P.F.A and other useful information can be found below.



Friday 18th October - Children’s movie night (straight from school)

Friday 22nd November - Children’s disco (separate infant and junior)

Friday 6th December - Children’s movie night (straight from school)

Friday 14th March - Children’s disco (separate infant and junior)

Monday - Thursday 24-27th March - Mothers’ Day Sale (during lunch)

Friday 9th May - Quiz Night 7pm

Friday 6th June - Bouncy Castle Afternoon (after school)

Monday 9th - Thursday 12th June - Fathers’ Day Sale (during lunch)

Friday 27th June - Summer Fayre

Saturday 19th July - Camp night (on the school field)




The PFA run a  'nearly new' uniform shop.

The price List can be found under the School Uniform Tab.

Next Date Shop is open: 21st/22nd October

3pm in entrance lobby.

Executive Committee Members


Chair: Mrs R. Smith          Treasurer: Mr D. Smith                    Secretary: Linda Edmundson


Meetings and Minutes


Constitution Document 2024